Financial Revolution in Global Waste Management
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.At FullCycle, Stephan Nicoleau and his team invest in a complete "rehaul" of the market to recalibrate with precision, at massive scale, around the world to combat Climate Change. Synova, for example, can take the municipal solid waste and other forms of waste, such as agricultural waste, and can create energy from these things that were formerly put into the ground. From energy conversion to re-use of plastic, these impact initiatives are how capital markets flow are re-aligning to the most ESG oriented investments possible.
Climate Risk Analysis and Financial Services: Best Practices
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.The goal of the Climate Service is to help investors, companies, and communities to understand their risks from the changing climate, and the opportunities from the transition to a low-carbon economy. Backed by an Advisory Board including 4 IPCC Nobel Prize-winning scientists, and strategic partners including Aon, IBM, the AICPA, and LMI Consulting, our mission is to embed climate risk data into financial decision-making and facilitate the world’s transition to a lower-carbon economy. The Climate Service Climanomics® software platform enables climate risk reporting and disclosure consistent with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. Outputs from the platform measure and report transition and physical risk and opportunities in financial terms under different climate scenarios. Trusted by clients including the world’s largest banks, asset managers, real estate investors, Fortune 500 firms, and public bodies including the Federal Government, the platform was recently identified as a leader in climate risk analytics by Forrester Research. Investors and regulators around the world have been refining guidance on climate risk and moving closer, in a variety of ways, to making climate risk and TCFD reporting mandatory. The UK just announced its largest pension funds must publish disclosures by the end of 2022. UK banks and insurers are required to do so by the end of 2021. The Canadian government recently tied COVID recovery loans to climate risk reporting, and more. Financial institutions worldwide are employing the Climanomics® platform to support scenario analysis, model physical and transition risks as well as opportunities. During this session, Joseph Lake will touch on key best practices for climate risk analysis in financial services. This address will be given by Joseph Lake, COO of The Climate Service.
Municipal Bond Data and Climate Risk
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Municipal bond issuers are where the rubber meets the road on climate risk in the US. At the same tie as they must fund and execute climate adaptation and resilience projects for their jurisdictions and customers, the property value, infrastructure, and populations that underpin their financial health represent exposures to climate risk that will only grow with climate change. With data specific to all bond issuers and obligors now available to assess the need for investment and the risks of not doing so, thought leaders in fixed income are now deploying and integrating this data into strategies, workflows, and decisions. The panelists; Andrew Teras and Chris Hartshorn couple the perspectives of risQ, the emerging municipal climate risk data, and analytics provider, with Breckinridge, an established leader in thematic ESG fixed income investing, and how the municipal bond ecosystem can maximize its value and impact on maximizing climate hygiene.
Inequality, Housing and Climate Change
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Climate change exacerbates inequalities for low-income families in developing countries and in industrialized, wealthy ones as the Mother transcends all borders, languages, religions, and regional environmental issues. The underprivileged are of particular importance when planning, experts say, due to the nature of how countries, economies, and communities develop, integrate, and evolve with complementary aspects of humanity. One way to reduce the immediate and long-term impact of a disaster on low-income renters is to ensure that the rental properties they live in (affordable housing) can remain functional throughout the disaster and bounce back to normal operations quickly afterward. Lisa Davis from PGIM Real Estate discusses with Jeffery Gitterman at the Nest Summit.
Climate Risk and the Capital Markets
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Climate change creates risks and opportunities for the private sector in emerging markets and may impact financial institutions' performance and the companies they invest in. During the last 10,000 years, our climate has been very stable, and now is becoming unstable. Financial models that we are using models that are missing variables as they were designed without considering the non-linear changes. Spencer Glendon helps us better understand the fundamental risk that capital markets have with the inability to consider climate changes.
Investing at the Intersection of Climate and Social Justice
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.
Ivka Kalus
The COVID crisis has brought forward many inconvenient truths that society at large chose to ignore pre-COVID. We can no longer talk about sustainability, climate change, and resilience, without talking about social justice. Just like COVID, Climate Change impacts minority and indigenous communities disproportionately. But this isn’t only about unacceptable inequality, it’s about opportunity cost. Our society has lost out on a tremendous amount of innovation and productivity by denying social justice to a significant portion of our population. But Climate change is an “all hands on deck” crisis that requires the full contribution from every member of society. It is clear that we cannot face off against the Climate Crisis without addressing the Social Justice crisis, which is why we have to consider mispriced Social Justice risk as well as Climate Change risk in every investment we evaluate.
Innovations and Advancements in Climate-Related Scoring Products, Market Infrastructure, and Portfolio-Level Integration Techniques
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.The innovations and advancements in climate change scoring for products, portfolios, and macro analysis for the New World are essential as we combat humanity's forces that have put our world's future at grave risk. The European Commission and its various constituents are putting clarity on environmental products throughout the European Union - specifying at least 50 different parameters that investors will have to report on this taxonomy for their investment portfolio. This climate change adaptation then drives the future passive and active product creation. Jeff Gitterman and Todd Arthur Bridges discuss integration methodologies in this discussion for the Nest Summit on Climate Change with the United Nations.
Advancing Sustainability in Events
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Except for virtual experiences, the $1 trillion events industry has largely been on pause during the Coronavirus pandemic. To build back better in the new post-pandemic “normal”, improving the environmental performance of in-person events will increasingly be a top priority for the industry. In this session leaders from three major stakeholders in producing events – Stephen Carter, Group CEO, Informa (the world’s largest event organizer), Carrie Freeman Parsons, Chair of the Board, Freeman (the world’s largest brand experience and event service provider), and Alan Steel, CEO, the Javits Convention Center (one of the world’s greenest venues) will provide valuable insights on how the industry is advancing sustainability. All aspects of staging events including the vital role they play in conducting business in an environmentally responsible manner will be examined.
Alan Steel
President & CEO
Javits Center
Carrie Freeman Parsons
Chair of the Board
Stephen A. Carter
Pat Mitchell on Women Leadership in Climate Activism
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Extreme weather events have a more significant impact on the poor and most vulnerable; 70% of the world are most vulnerable are women; that being said, women are the ones that are leading climate change adaptation and mitigation. Pat Mitchell, Dr. Katherine Wilkinson, Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, and Naima Penniman share great insight into their work and other dangerous women who are willing to take the responsibility of the climate movent who harness the truth, courage, and solutions to lead humanity forward.
Pat Mitchell
Media Executive, Producer, Curator
Connecting with Women to Create Change
Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
Urban Ocean Lab & Ocean Collective
Dr. Katherine Wilkinson
Author, Co-Founder & Co-Director
All We Can Save Project
Naima Penniman
Artist, Activist, Co-Founder & Co-Artistic Director
Climbing Poetree
Adam Lake
Head of Climate Week NYC
Climate Group
Alan Steel
President & CEO
Javits Center
Britton Jones
Founder & CEO
The Nest Summit
Vince Molinari
Founder & CEO
Tom Steyer
NextGen America Founder & Co-Chair
California's Business and Jobs Recovery Task Force
Bruce Duguid
Head of Stewardship
Federated Hermes
Mark Sherlock
Head of US Equities, Lead Portfolio Manager
Federated Hermes
Lynn Martin
President & Chief Operating Officer
ICE Data Services
Sustainable Investing: Tools & Transparency with Lynn Martin
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Climate change is a growing concern across the world. Having a tool that provides you transparency, the latest data, and actionable insight to assist the effect of climate change in markets. Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) is an operator of networks with data services to develop products their users understand and assist your investment correctly. As well, risk management opinion around the effect of climate change and modernization of the energy ecosystem.
Lynn Martin
President & Chief Operating Officer
ICE Data Services
Adam Lake
Head of Climate Week NYC
Climate Group
Alan Steel
President & CEO
Javits Center
Britton Jones
Founder & CEO
The Nest Summit
Vince Molinari
Founder & CEO
Tom Steyer
NextGen America Founder & Co-Chair
California's Business and Jobs Recovery Task Force
Mark Sherlock
Head of US Equities, Lead Portfolio Manager
Federated Hermes
Bruce Duguid
Head of Stewardship
Federated Hermes
Pat Mitchell
Media Executive, Producer, Curator
Connecting with Women to Create Change
Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
Urban Ocean Lab & Ocean Collective
Dr. Katherine Wilkinson
Author, Co-Founder & Co-Director
All We Can Save Project
Naima Penniman
Artist, Activist, Co-Founder & Co-Artistic Director
Climbing Poetree
Tom Steyer on Climate Activism Using Public Equity Market
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Environmental scientists and policy experts around the country agree that the massive wildfires are just the latest indicator that climate change has thrust the U.S., and the world, into a dangerous new era. The time is now; we must make changes and create policies that will help us get into a sustainable course that will create more jobs and help our economy. Sustainability & environmental justice have to be a priority; we must develop policies and bring a comprehensive program that connects equity, environmental justice, racial justice, economic justice, and job creation.
Tom Steyer
NextGen America Founder & Co-Chair
California's Business and Jobs Recovery Task Force
Adam Lake
Head of Climate Week NYC
Climate Group
Alan Steel
President & CEO
Javits Center
Britton Jones
Founder & CEO
The Nest Summit
Vince Molinari
Founder & CEO
Bruce Duguid
Head of Stewardship
Federated Hermes
Mark Sherlock
Head of US Equities, Lead Portfolio Manager
Federated Hermes
Lynn Martin
President & Chief Operating Officer
ICE Data Services
Pat Mitchell
Media Executive, Producer, Curator
Connecting with Women to Create Change
Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
Urban Ocean Lab & Ocean Collective
Dr. Katherine Wilkinson
Author, Co-Founder & Co-Director
All We Can Save Project
Naima Penniman
Artist, Activist, Co-Founder & Co-Artistic Director
Climbing Poetree
Accelerating Climate Action at the Javits Center
In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.FINTECH.TV host for TheIMPACT, Patricia Wu, welcomes the founders, leaders and exponential voices of change from the Javits Center during The Nest Summit at Climate Week NYC with Vince Molinari, Britton Jones, Adam Lake, and Alan Steel. From innovation to collaboration, these seasoned climate change experts discuss how everyone can come together, discuss these crucial issues, and accomplish a sum "greater than the whole of the parts" outcome. This is where the magic happens when Nest Summit, Javits Center, and FINTECH.TV comes together with The Nest Summit at Climate Week NYC, powered by FINTECH.TV to amplify these sustainable issues of the future, NOW!
Adam Lake
Head of Climate Week NYC
Climate Group
Alan Steel
President & CEO
Javits Center
Britton Jones
Founder & CEO
The Nest Summit
Vince Molinari
Founder & CEO
Tom Steyer
NextGen America Founder & Co-Chair
California's Business and Jobs Recovery Task Force
Bruce Duguid
Head of Stewardship
Federated Hermes
Mark Sherlock
Head of US Equities, Lead Portfolio Manager
Federated Hermes
Lynn Martin
President & Chief Operating Officer
ICE Data Services
Pat Mitchell
Media Executive, Producer, Curator
Connecting with Women to Create Change
Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
Urban Ocean Lab & Ocean Collective
Dr. Katherine Wilkinson
Author, Co-Founder & Co-Director
All We Can Save Project
Naima Penniman
Artist, Activist, Co-Founder & Co-Artistic Director
Climbing Poetree