The S-Factor in Humanity Beyond IRR

Bonnie Lyn De Bartok, Founder & CEO at S-Factor, joins our host, Jeff Gitterman, on TheIMPACT to discuss the importance of sustainability, vis-a-vis the “S”, in ESG/SDG as she uses her 25+ years of experience to measure “saving the world” beyond “one project at a time.” Specifically, Bonnie understood the need to focus on capital formation, access to funding and the framework of how social management integrates empirically into investment business cases.

Today, S-Factor has evolved into a subject matter firm for artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and deep technology to understand behaviors, outcomes and financial correlations, thereof. The team at S-Factor tackles problems such as a community impact for mining projects, measuring jobs creation and how government programs can enhance or not through a real net-benefit standards of measurement.

Understanding what happens when anchor businesses for micro economies have profound impact on the future of communities, macro implications and how to position sustainability as a primary pillar for investments. The impact on humanity is directly influenced through sustainable investment strategies, tactical implementations and empirical measurement of qualitative, quantitative and potent indicators as exponential change occurs.

As global capital is invested locally around the world, the lens of sustainability is important for balancing investment funding and growing industries – especially mining, oil, gas, and similar businesses that are indirectly exposed. Measuring social impact is general across industries, businesses and communities with local considerations that include ethics, employee population, supply chain, and additional factors.

Bonnie has seen an increase in demand for the data sets her firm produces at S-Factor, along with companies that have incorporated “S” into their investment strategies, asset allocation and overall exposure doing the best as we battle through COVID to a post-COVID world calibrated for humanity in the New World. In the many discussions on-going, from mission driven to reduction of carbon output, the “S” as a Layer 1 lens is quickly being adopted as the net bottom-line financial impacts have become clear from investors to those within communities, end-to-end.

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