Tag: FINTECHTV Editorial Team
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Welcome to Women in Crypto Online Series!
Today's interview is with Maureen Murat founder of Crowdie Advisors and co-author of the book Crowdfunding.
Maureen is an attorney who advises start-up clients about Crowdfunding opportunities available today. Although crowdfunding is a fairly new industry, it is increasingly gaining popularity by offering alternative investment options for investors, Maureen shares with us her book on Crowdfunding and blockchain certification programs available.
Living with Technology
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Welcome to Women in Crypto Online Series!
Today's interview is with Alyze Sam, who is an author, speaker, and advocate of the Cryptocurrency movement.
Alyze has written a book the Stable coin guide 2020. She also shares with us how the blockchain community steps up in a big way to effect positive change and gives back. Alyze pays it forward through her GIVE NATION non-profit organization.
Executive Guide to Blockchain
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Welcome to Women in Crypto Online Series! Today's interview is with Maria Grazia Vigliotti
Maria is the author of the Executive Guide to Blockchain. We discuss leadership in blockchain with Dr. Maria and advocating the real possibilities for Women in Technology in the new industry of Blockchain.
Digital Economy
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Lori Souza summarizes today's digital economy, with the 3 main take away's from the Women in Crypto 21 day online interview series.
Digital Strategy
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Welcome to Women in Crypto Online Series!
Today's interview is with Lisa Short, Founder of Mind-Shifting, consulting individuals and businesses in the shifting into the Economy of the new Financial Technology.
Lisa supports financial inclusion opportunities through the entrepreneurial innovative solutions offered in the new cryptocurrency and blockchain technology industries. We discuss a global digital strategy that includes unlearning and relearning for future job markets which include blockchain technology and global markets.
Changing the Future
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Welcome to Women in Crypto Online Series!
Today's interview is with Linda Goetze from the Blockchain Chamber of Commerce and contributor to Blockchain Ecosystems.
Linda values the Cryptocurrency movement, understanding the positive effects which are underlying in decentralized efforts of business applications, Linda sees the possibility of balancing the scales of a time-money correlation with the future transacting of digital assets on the blockchain. This expanded viewpoint gives a promise to a “pay it forward” mentality that Blockchain and Crypto offers to the world.
Community Movements
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Welcome to Women in Crypto Online Series!
Today's interview is with Koleya Karringten, Executive Director of Canadian Blockchain Consortium.
Koleya provides educational programs and events for businesses interested in understanding blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. She is masterful in assembling a business consortium, promoting Blockchain Technology for business applications. Expanding this digital movement into communities to create a better brighter technological future.
Hyperledger Uses
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Welcome to Women in Crypto Online Series!
Today's interview is with Karen Ottoni. Karen is Director of Ecosystems at Hyperledger. Blockchain Technology stretches out across multidisciplinary areas of business. It is not only the Technology but also the applications behind the technology. Hyperledger offers organizations public, private, and hybrid solutions, both permissioned and permissionless transactions for business and financial applications. This technological way of transacting in various ecosystems is our future. Karen is making a difference with Hyperledger!
Banking and Blockchain
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Welcome to Women in Crypto Online Series! Today's interview is with Francoise Birnholz. a Business Attorney and Blockchain Enthusiast. Francoise’s expertise with international banking institutions brings us a wealth of knowledge and an in-depth understanding of the benefits of permissioned blockchain technology can bring banking systems by eliminating paperwork through this digitized ledger technology. This financial technology creates an efficient, automatic, transparent banking transaction, without the need of an intermediary. These new opportunities offer greater social impacts within global banking platforms, including contactless payments.
Technology and Humanity
Join the Top women leaders in the new digital economy, where money meets emerging technology in our expanding digital world.
Women in Technology, moving Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology, and AI to higher heights, building a better, brighter future!Welcome to Women in Crypto Online Series! Today's interview is with Erin Grover, Brand Ambassador of ICOINIC. Erin consults and advises those interested in understanding Crypto, Digital Assets, Crypto accounts and exchanges. Erin shares with us how blockchain technology has impacted and affected positive change in the way humanitarian contributions are distributed in hard hit crisis areas, mainly the Syrian refugee camps
The World of Investing Will Never Be the Same
Investing for the Next 100 Years -
COVID-19 has been a trying yet revealing time for many people around the world. It has shown the fragility in our current system, and how we have become comfortable with some not-so-sustainable consumer practices that have put a heavy strain on small businesses. With this strain has come an awakening of sorts that our global community hasn’t seen in over a hundred years.
This awakening has caused a surge of attention and support for small businesses, with more attention going towards the idea of an impact economy and investing our money where there is the most value - rather than where there is the most convenience and profitability. Environmentally conscious investing, sustainable capital markets practices, and impact theory are gaining steam and are slowly becoming the new status quo for customers, corporations, and investors.
Why It Matters Where You Spend Your Money -
When you buy groceries, technology, services, or products of any kind, this money should be thought of as an investment in the overall impact of the good or service. While this may seem a little overboard, it actually goes a long way to determine how sustainable and disaster-proof an economy can be.
Some of the most potent examples of these types of businesses include those who are concerned with sustainable development goals and the real, tangible value and impact they will have on their customers as well as the planet.
Many of these companies can be found right in your backyard, with these types of goals being very present in many local small businesses. These businesses, dealing on a smaller scale, must put their resources where the intent is in order to maintain the small-yet-loyal support system they have all worked so tirelessly to create.
Back to the Basics of Community -
Smaller businesses have had to dial services back and ensure safety and value over cost-effectiveness in many cases. This complete shift has cost many businesses their livelihood and forced innovation. Consumers have begun noticing this, though, and the new trends are showing that support for businesses who have survived this shift is increasing. These businesses are providing valuable services in a safe and sustainable manner, even if it costs them more in the long run. This has shown consumers that extra effort towards sustainability and value does not come easy and merits reward and support.
COVID has created an urgency in local communities that hinges on a give and take support system that thrives on trust and transparency. Even larger companies such as Amazon are showing their support for this initiative by demonstrating to the world that they have these UN-guided steps in mind in the way that they operate as well as how they provide their services to the world. Desperate times have shown us that creating a better, safer world can go a long way in determining value.
The Power of Conscious Consumer Spending -
Since the COVID crisis has taught the world how much power they have with where they spend their money, there has been a renewed focus on supporting small businesses and considering the mission and impact of the companies where consumers regularly spend and invest their money. According to Harvard Business Journal, the trends are showing us that people are much more concerned about the impact of companies on society over the immediate convenience many big corporations are striving to provide.
The cracks in the armor stem from the fact that many big corporations are not putting their resources where their intent is. This trend is fading away, and COVID-19 has caused consumers to proclaim that they are no longer swayed by low low prices and convenience anymore.
Consumers are realizing the power in their hard-earned money, and that they can actually show their support for a wide array of companies. Investors and consumers alike are participating in this trend, with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices becoming the new status quo.
To build an impact economy, we need to ensure that everyone understands that every action has consequences and produces impact - good or bad. The decision is up to us.
In the absence of impact theory, we are creating the illusion that most commercial activities might have no impact and that impact is irrelevant when it comes to an individual’s choice of where to work, what to consume, and how to invest. COVID-19 has taught us that every dollar counts and that during hard and uncertain times it won’t be corporations there to bail you out, it will be your fellow citizens.
The Future Revolves Around Transparency -
With this increased demand for companies to disclose their mission and overall impact on society, there will need to be trusted sources of information that justify investments and consumer spending on new products entering the market. This shows high potential for blockchain technology to help provide protected proofs of a companies information, as well as a trusted source of information that investors should have access to.
Businesses moving forward will be more successful with increased transparency.
Will we see blockchain-powered investment applications that weigh the impact on society using artificial intelligence or machine learning? Are sustainable companies the future of our economy?
The only way we will know for sure is if we loosen the grip that only a handful of major companies have on the world and narrow the wealth gap they have created. Impact theory is gaining steam due to the profound effect that COVID has had on small businesses and the everyday lives of people across the world, and it will only continue to grow if we keep in mind the importance of conscious consumer spending.
Nigeria is Soon the 3rd Largest
TheIMPACT focuses on ESG, Impact Investing, and advancing the 17 United Nations-supported Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The show profiles people and companies committed to changing lives and creating a sustainable world.On this FINTECH.TV Edition of Celebration of Inspiration with Dr. Jane Thomason under our TheIMPACT series, Banke Alawaye joins our host to discuss how the country of Nigeria is on track to be the THIRD largest economy by 2030.
Nigeria has massive digital talent, coders, and ambitious young people that will not accept anything less than realizing their respective dreams.
These incredible humans are setting the bar for the digital economy as Africa leapfrogs the dogmatic barriers of the past by adopting capabilities of the New World in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Banke and her team understand that technology is the future, people must be tech-savvy, and local solutions to local problems is how community reemerges in new multidimensional ways for humanity to evolve to the next level.
While work is still in progress for Code Lagos in Nigeria, Banke Alawaye has stories that include security guards, young ones, and everything in-between. Hundreds of thousands of trained coders soon to be turned into millions is genuinely a celebration of inspiration.Banke is inspired by impact, making the world a better place and giving back by paying it forward to ensure her country, humanity, and the world has the best of the best possible. This is the beauty of genuine inspiration - Banke, we salute you.
To learn more about this new way of thinking that Banke and additional exponential leaders bring to the largest economy in Africa, watch this exclusive interview only on FINTECH.TV with Dr. Jane Thomason.
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