Tag: Alicia Nieves, Remy Blaire

Student Loans For Studying Abroad With Emmanuel “Manu” Smadja

In this episode, we speak with Emmanuel "Manu" Smadja, CEO and Co-Founder at MPower Financing Public Benefit Corp, about the role that financing plays when studying abroad and how it can impact students' outcomes. We also discuss the growing diversity in the STEM field and how finance can help women who want to pursue degrees in this area.

Zillow Gone Wild’s Crypto House and 80% Of US In Drought

Today on Tweets, Posts, and Pics, we share Zillow Gone Wild's Crypto House and Peter Carter's comments on the Washington Post Report about droughts.

Digital Assets’ Regulatory Pressures With Pat Lavecchia

Join us as we discuss digital assets' regulatory pressures with Pat Lavecchia, CEO of Oasis Pro Markets. This is a great opportunity to learn about how digital asset technology can benefit asset-backed securities, what types of asset-backed securities are ripe for tokenization, and what traditional asset managers, banks, and financial institutions are saying about blockchain technology.This is your chance to get ahead of the curve on digital assets and blockchain technology. Don’t miss out on this important discussion!

Gender Gap With Shelley Zalis

The World Economic Forum's latest report projects that it will take 132 years to reach global gender parity. This is a huge problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Shelley Zalis, CEO of the Female Quotient, is here to give us more insight into the issue. She is hopeful that we can close the gap in less than 132 years, and she explains why. She also talks about the role CEOs and leaders play in closing the global gender gap and how she plans to help them do that.Watch the full interview with Shelley Zalis on our website!

Women In Crypto With Kendra Cole

Women have been fighting for equal rights for centuries. Now, it’s time to fight for equal rights in the crypto space. Crypto Mom is leading the charge for women in crypto. It’s the destination for all things crypto for women, by women. On the show today is Kendra Cole, Co-Founder & CEO of CryptoMom, to discuss the extent of the gender and diversity problem facing the crypto industry and how CryptoMom addresses these issues.

The Latest Market Movements From October 19th, 2022

Get the latest news on earnings and economic data that could move markets today. We provide you with a detailed analysis and coverage so you can make informed decisions about your investments.

Top Headlines From October 19th, 2022

See what the future holds with our list of top headlines. From crypto to climate change, we've got you covered.

The Future Of Crypto With Driana Pommier

With cryptocurrencies becoming more popular by the day, it's only a matter of time before they become an essential part of our everyday lives, and with that will come new challenges - but also opportunities! In today's poll, Driana Pommier brings us the results on how one may see themselves using crypto 5–10 years from now.

Global Forest Management With Runa Ray

As the world's population grows, the demand for forest products will only increase. This strains our forests and the wildlife that calls them home. Runa Ray is joining us today to discuss what can be done to preserve the state of our world's forests.You won't miss this important discussion about how we can all do our part to protect our planet's forests. Tune in now and learn what you can do to help preserve these vital resources.

Updates On Market Trends

Alicia Nieves and Remy Blaire share the latest updates on current market trends.

Banks Moving Into Net Zero With Jeff Gitterman

Jeff Gitterman joins Alicia Nieves and Remy Blaire to discuss about banks' commitment to net zero, obstacles, challenges, and pledges from the largest banks in the upcoming COP27.

The Streaming Industry With Tripp Hornick

Tripp Hornick, COO at Stage Access, joins Alicia Nieves and Remy Blaire to discuss IMAX, Opera, and the City of Light's joint venture, forecast on the streaming industry, why you should invest in them, and much more.