Proposal for Transparency in ESG

During climate week, Moody’s Investors Service published a request for comment to the market on proposed ESG scores for all rated issuers. To discuss the proposed scores’ details, our host Jeff Gitterman is joined by Swami Venkataraman, Senior Vice President in Moody’s Investors Service Environmental, Social, and Governance group.
Some of the question we will cover in this interview are:

Moody’s ESG strategy, and what motivated you to propose these ESG scores?
How do these scores relate to the integration of ESG in credit ratings? Will ratings be changed based on these scores?
Moody’s owns Vigeo Eiris, which also produces ESG scores. How will you differentiate between the two offerings? Is there even a need for two different scores?
Disclosure is a significant problem in the ESG space. Where will Moody’s get the data needed to produce these scores?
How does Moody’s expect investors to use these scores?
Will all sectors receive these ESG scores, and when can we expect to see them published?

TheIMPACT focuses on ESG, Impact Investing, and advancing the 17 United Nations-supported Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The show profiles people and companies committed to changing lives and creating a sustainable world.

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