Measuring Climate Investment Impact: Finding the Sharpest Tool in the ESG Shed

In partnership with the Climate Group and FINTECH.TV, The Nest Summit is an official event of Climate Week NYC, dedicated to advancing sustainability in the US by convening the organizations, visionary researchers, and influential policymakers driving climate action and leading the way to a cleaner and safer environment.Climate change will be a defining driver of the global economy, society, and financial markets over the coming years, decades, and beyond. Whether the global economy is rebuilt on less carbon-intensive foundations or the temperature continues to escalate, investors will be unable to avoid its impacts. An issue as complex as climate change, the effects of which are likely to spread across industries and markets, can’t be distilled into a single figure but rather that a rounded view is vital. Modeling the risks of climate change is not straightforward and most of the tools our industry uses are inadequate and, in some cases, misleading. Measures such as carbon footprints, fossil fuel exposure, or green revenue shares are relatively straightforward and easily accessible but are too simplistic to analyze the complexities of climate change effectively.

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