Why are billions being spent to train young people for the workforce, yet millions are still lost and unsure about their next steps and best opportunities?
On the latest segment of TheIMPACT, our host and Founder Vince Molinari is joined by Jennifer Kushell, CEO and Founder of EYP Ventures and author of Secret for the Young and Successful, a New York Times Best Seller.
Watch the full interview and discover:
– EYP Ventures Platform & Bloomberg Businessweek Partnership
– How is EYP Ventures helping young people to be ready and accelerate faster in their field?
– How is EYP Ventures assisting schools, organizations, and governments change the RIO of education?TheIMPACT focuses on ESG, Impact Investing, and advancing the 17 United Nations-supported Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The show profiles people and companies committed to changing lives and creating a sustainable world.