Gapsquare ensuring fair pay equality in the workplace

Join us for a discussion about Gapsquare, a company aiming to ensure pay equality regardless of employees' race, gender, age, or identity. Our guest, Zara Nanu, Founder and CEO of Gapsquare, breaks this down for our host Vince Molinari.

BIVA’s Impact On The Mexican Stock Market: A Conversation With Maria Ariza

Join Vince Molinari, host of SSE TV, as he welcomes Maria Ariza, CEO of BIVA, to the iconic New York Stock Exchange. Maria shares the story of how BIVA, a relatively new global exchange, has made tremendous strides in the last couple of years and the vision behind it to be a more inclusive option to gather and attract SMEs companies to the stock exchange, resulting in a wider, deeper and more dynamic market. With a focus on technology and collaboration, BIVA has been successful in attracting new companies and increasing its market share in Mexico. A must-watch for anyone interested in sustainable stock exchange initiatives and the growth of emerging markets.

Grupo BMV | Interview With Jose-Oriol Bosch PAR

Jose-Oriol Bosch Par joins Vince Molinari to discuss about Grupo BMV and its ESG products. Tune in now!

Sustainability in Investing and Stock Exchanges | Interview With Stephane Boujnah

Today's Drill Down with Vince Molinari features Stephane Boujnah, CEO of Euronext, as they talk about sustainable stock exchanges, how they can enhance corporate transparency, and overall improve performance issues. Tune in to learn more!

Getting To Know The IFC Finance Corporation Better| Interview with Martine Valcine

The IFC is mostly recognized for its guidance on ESG and its standards, as well as its work with corporate governance and support for the UN's SDGs. Today's speaker helps us better understand the IFC by going over every aspect of its business, including its support for the fintech ecosystem and its long-term objectives for sustainable development.Watch the entire conversation with Martine Valcin, global manager of IFC Finance Corporation's ESG advisory, knowledge, and learning, exclusively on this SSEtv episode with Vince Molinari.

Alex Matturri of Cboe Shares How They’re Aiming For Sustainability While Working with Indices, Derivatives, and the ESG

Alex Matturri, Board Member of Cboe joins us today on SSE TV with Vince Molinari to share about index and indices, how Cboe aims for a sustainable future in the finance industry, the SEC proposal on climate data disclosure, and the role of derivatives exchange to achieve ESG. Tune in now!

Walt Lukken of The Futures Industry Association Global Shares How He Champions Sustainability and the Environment In The World Of Finance

In this episode of SSE TV with Vince Molinari, we are joined today by Walt Lukken, CEO & President of FIA Global, for a conversation on how they support and protect open, transparent, and competitive markets and financial systems and champion sustainability in the world of finance. He also cites how they have managed to help out the environment while being active in the finance sector - working with carbon offset credits, regulators, and using derivatives. Tune in now!

Why Impact Investing Matters with Carole Laible of Domini

Join us on the SSE TV with Vince Molinari and Carole Laible to discuss Domini's reporting and pillar on Impact Investing, their approach to equities, and the transformation of Impact Investing. As one of the leading voices in the impact investing space, Carole has a wealth of experience and insights to share on the topic. We'll be discussing how Domini approaches investments intending to create positive social and environmental impacts and the results they've seen so far. This is a must-watch conversation for anyone interested in learning more about impact investing!

Sustainability and the Derivatives Industry with Samuel Ho Hock Guan

Join us on SSE TV with Vince Molinari and Samuel Ho, CEO of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad, for an insightful conversation about the recent shift in derivatives exchanges towards sustainability issues. Tune in now!

Discussing The ESG Awareness For Capital Markets with Luc Fortin of TMX Group

Tune into SSE Tv with Vince Molinari and Luc Fortin, CEO & President, Montreal Exchange & Global Head of Trading at TMX Group, Canada's leading exchange group. They will discuss ESG Investing, how derivates tools can help you manage risk and opportunity, S&P / TSX 60 ESG Index, and much more.

ESG Disclosure Accelerates In Japan: Here is Why with Hiromi Yamaji of Tokyo Stock Exchange & Japan Exchange Group (JPX)

Hiromi Yamaji, President & CEO of Tokyo Stock Exchange & Representative Executive Officer, Group COO of Japan Exchange Group (JPX), joins Vince Molinari on SSE TV to discuss the future of ESG. They also talk about JPX's plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2024, why transparency is essential for corporate responsibility reporting ESG Knowledge Hub, and more. Tune in now!

Cristina Masis, Vice President of Bolsa Nacional de Valores – Costa Rica

Tune in to the SSE TV for a conversation between our Founder, Vince Molinari, and Cristina Masis, Vice President of Bolsa Nacional de Valores - Costa Rica. They discuss her views on sustainable investing, insights into BNV Sustainability Awards as well as how she sees exchanges playing an integral part in promoting sustainability.