Kiet Kat Talk Data

Monetizing data and making investment decisions through data

Matt Ober, CAIA, General Partner at Social Leverage joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to discuss the importance of data, how companies are monetizing data, and making investment decisions through collated data. They also have a brief chat on how AI is affecting data companies.

Data in the commodity & freight market and the impact of increasing oil prices on commodities

Phillipe Pagnotta, the Head of Alternative Data at Shipfix joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to discuss data in the commodity & freight market. They also have a conversation on the impact of increasing global oil prices on various commodities.

Managing the data process of the global ETF market

Sam Barber, the Head of Data Services at Rimes joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to discuss managing the data process of the 10 billion global ETF market and trends in the sector. They also discuss how AI is transforming the ETF landscape, the challenges facing ETF creation, and the variety found in the ETF class.

The Trends in the Alternative Data industry and strategies for firms venturing into the data space

Richard Brown, the CEO and founder of Archedata joins Kiet Tran and Kat tatochenko to discuss the shifting trends in the alternative data industry and advice for firms venturing into the space. They also discuss promising data set categories & strategies that firms can explore and the importance of prominence in the data industry.

Data strategies for inflation trends and macro insights

Alexander Denev, the CEO and co-founder of Turnleaf Analytics joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to talk about utilizing data sets to get a better idea of inflation, data techniques used to scout new data sets, incorporation data into the Turnleaf Analytics models and the macroeconomic trends of inflation.

How the real estate industry is affected by climate and how to incorporate data climate in the investment process

Osho Jha, the CEO of dClimate joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to discuss how the real estate industry is affected by climate and how to incorporate data climate in the investment process. They also discuss how climate risk affects businesses and the integration of climate risk and financial loss. In addition, they discuss dClimate's forecast model compared to the ones used by various meteorological departments worldwide.

How Trepp is providing information, analytics & services to the structured finance, commercial real estate, and banking markets

Stephen Buschbom, the Director of Research at Trepp joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to discuss how the company is providing information, analytics & services to the structured finance, commercial real estate, and banking markets. They also have a conversation on the importance of commercial mortgage-backed securities & the commercial real estate mortgage market. In addition, they discuss the impact of climate change on the real estate market and navigating real estate inflation & high-interest rates.

An overview of the bond market trade

Christopher White, the CEO and founder of BondCliQ joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to discuss transparency and an overview of the bond market trade. They also have a conversation on the data & bond bear market, getting access to data & helping producers of data monetize data and the differences & similarities between the U.S. & European bond markets.

Responsible ways of dealing with customer data, and how open banking benefits financial institutions & their customers

Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko discuss responsible ways of dealing with customer data, how open banking benefits financial institutions & their customers, collating fragmented data for clients, and AI's current capabilities & future potential in insurance in the latest episode of Kiet Kat Talk Data. In three wide-ranging interviews, they discuss various data-related issues with Qwist's Managing Director & CEO Nicola Breyer, SESAMm's Head of Partnerships & Strategy Jose Salas, and Alex Schmelkin, founder & CEO of Sixfold.

How Sigtech is focused on changing data from being static to a live real-time insight

Krishna Nadella, Sigtech's Head of Americas and the Vice President of Business Development joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to discuss how the company is focused on changing data from being static to a live real-time insight. They also have a chat on data availability, the importance of data in Artificial intelligence, and why SigGPT is a unique offering for its clients.

How Unerry is developing data sets for various industries

Ryan Imaizumi, Chief Strategy Officer at Unerry joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to discuss the location data industry and how the company is developing data sets for various industries. They also have a conversation on Unerry venturing into the North American market and the challenges encountered in data collection & how to overcome them.

Shipping & Data Insights and how they can provide better transparency for the freight and commodities industry

Philipe Pagnotta, the Head of Alternative Data at Shipfix joins Kiet Tran and Kat Tatochenko to discuss shipping & data insights and how they can provide better transparency for the freight and commodities industry. They also have a conversation on the profile of Shipfix's customers and the various trends in the shipping industry.