Investing for a Thriving & Sustainable Economy

Are you an asset manager, investment consultant, nonprofit, or individual who would like to invest in long-term financial, environmental, and social success?

On this segment of TheIMPACT, our host Jeffrey Gitterman, talks with Jim Roach, AIF®, Senior Vice President Retirement Strategies at Natixis, Sarah Bratton Hughes, Head of Sustainability in North America at Schroders and Georges Dyer, Co-founder & Executive Director at Intentional Endowments Network (IEN).

IEN is a peer learning network of colleges, universities, and other mission-driven institutional investors working together to achieve a thriving and sustainable economy.

Watch the full video to learn about retirement plans, sustainable investing, adoption of ESG funds, COVID-19 effects, and endowment funds.

To learn more about IEN, please visit

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