From Landmines to Grapevines

Did you know landmines planted during the Vietnam War are still causing death and destruction?

On the latest segment of TheIMPACT, our host and Founder, Vince Molinari, is joined by Heidi Kühn, Founder & CEO of Roots of Peace.

Since 1997 Roots of Peace has facilitated the removal of over 100,000 landmines. They have turned them into farmland, exported over $1.4 billion of goods created by this transformation, while also supporting those victims of landmine accidents.

Watch this inspirational interview and learn how you can become a peace-builder.

Join us on Dec. 3rd at 5 PM (PST) to celebrate this year RoP Global Citizen Awards :
– Frank Yih
– Diane Baker
– Claes Nobel
– Morton GothelfTheIMPACT focuses on ESG, Impact Investing, and advancing the 17 United Nations-supported Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The show profiles people and companies committed to changing lives and creating a sustainable world.

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