Walter Geer III: Innovations and VML’s approach to storytelling and consumer connections, and Geer’s mission to create change, opportunity, and impact for future generations

In this exclusive interview, Dr. Dante Simpson is joined by VML’s Chief Experience Design Officer (of Innovation), Walter Geer III details the new innovations and the agency’s approach to storytelling and consumer connections. VML, the world’s largest ad agency has a wide array of clients, allowing for compelling dialogue re: their work Progressive Insurance, Motor Neuron Disease Assoc (MNDA), the State of Tennessee, AND Geer’s personal mission to create change, opportunity and impact for future generations. Join us, as we discuss a career that has spanned 25 years and included running creative innovation for companies like Google and Viacom, while assisting in selling Myspace to Justin Timberlake/Specific Media, inventing Sequential Messaging (in the digital media space), and more…

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